Last September, Microsoft themselves announced that they were renewing the Killer Instinct trademark, thus hinting at a possible revival for the long dormant franchise. Then things went a bit awry in November when Microsoft was denied the renewal due to Fox purchasing the name for themselves– all because Microsoft had allowed it to expire. This would not have interrupted the game’s potential development, but could have lead Rare to have to alter the game’s name or possibly change it altogether. Neither of those things are no longer needed!

On April 1st–yes, I know, but don’t worry, no jokes here!–the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) updated the informationon the case to verify that “The Applicant has entered into a Coexistence Agreement with the Owner of the cited application, a copy of which is submitted herewith. As shown in the attached Coexistence Agreement, the Owner of the cited application consents to registration of the subject application”. In other words, Microsoft can officially use the name Killer Instinct!

Honestly everyone, this means something. It means a lot, actually. If a Killer Instinct game wasn’t in development, then why go through all of the trouble? There’s no reason to. In my humble and honest opinion, killer Instinct is coming back. And I, for one, will be ready with my wallet open. Will you? Thanks Gaf!

By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

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