Battletoads has been of those Rare franchises that people have been clamoring for for many, many years. It was one of gaming’s premiere beat em’ up titles and was developed to rival the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Not only did it rival it, it bested it, while also becoming what is widely considered one of the hardest video games ever developed. It even spawned a few sequels and remakes as well as a team up title with Double Dragon. It was an amazing franchise that has left many fans hungry to see its return and Rare it seemed at finally decided to listen and started development on an entry to the franchise for the Game Boy Advance.

The Game Boy Advance version of Battletoads could have been yet another remake or a brand new title in the series. That information is currently unknown as far as I’m aware. What I do know is it was a title that we were never really supposed to know of and only learned about after someone leaked a video of it on YouTube. You can watch that video below:

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The footage shown there is of an ice level in the game. For a title that never really left the pre-alpha stage of development, it was actually looking pretty damn good. So why not finish it? Did Rare doubt the demand? Did they just decide it would better to just have the teams focus on the two GBA Banjo titles, Sabre Wulf, and the DKC trilogy remakes? There are a lot of questions and hardly any answers, but given the plethora of information ex-Rare employees have been privy to leak these days, there’s always a possibility that we’ll eventually learn the truth as to why Battletoads GBA never saw the light of day.

By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

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