Have you ever wondered why Cinder wasn’t included in Killer Instinct 2/Killer Instinct Gold? If you are or were a die hard Killer Instinct fan then that question has probably arisen more than once. Truth is, I believe he was non-existent because he was just to damn easy to use. Cinder was the equivalent of Street Fighter’s Ryu and Ken that the majority of people typically turned to as he was the easiest playable character. That doesn’t necessarily mean that there wasn’t any skill required to properly utilize his moveset in a professional manner, but put him up against another player who has mastered, say, Spinal or Fulgore and the Cinder player will be in a heap of trouble.

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This is all just a matter of opinion. Rare could have just removed Cinder because they were sick of looking at him for all I know. Regardless of the reason, I believe Rare made the right decision and Killer Instinct 2/Killer Instinct Gold was a better game for it. What do you think?

By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

3 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE: Fulgore Friday- The Death of Cinder”
  1. Banjo and kazui was fun I guess, but thats a kid’s game we want KILLER INSTINCT back immediately. Banjo is a kiddie game please, K.I that’s what we all impatiently wait for we need a release date, and yes adding the K.I 1 and 2 arcade version in the XBL market place would be amazing I’m sure that if there were a limit on purchases on K.I when it hits the market place it would be sold out. A question before I make this a frequently visited site who owns this site, is it (Rare) themselves or a random guy? Just curious…

  2. They should have just changed his move set man. Dick move…D-I-C-K M-O-V-E…Cinder was such a cool character. Dumb decision.

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