Conker’s Bad Fur Day remains to this day one of the most cherished and precious gems to have ever been developed at Rare. It stands itself apart from other games within the same genre thanks to its mature and gritty humor, its audacity to be something more, something different. It wasn’t a game that shied away from using profanity and vigorously spoofing others’ ideas–often in an insulting but quite profound manner. But it wasn’t always this way. No, there was a time when it was something else all together. Your typical cheerful and cartoony platformer in the same vein as Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64. And then Chris Seavor came along and things began to change… for the better.

Conker’s Bad Fur Day is Conker’s Bad Fur Day because of Chris Seavor. When he came on board the project, the development of the game–called Twelve Tales Conker at the time–wasn’t going as smoothly as it should have been. Not to mention the fact that Chris saw the game as just another generic platformer (as previously mentioned). So Chris comes up with the idea for a more mature-based Conker and takes the idea to the Stamper Bros. who give him the okay. From there, as they say, the rest is history.


With the legend of a game and unique masterpiece that CBFD became, fans have been begging for a sequel for years. For Rare to finally develop a new iteration in the critically acclaimed franchise. But here’s the thing. I love Conker as much as the next person, but Rare should never, ever touch the Conker franchise again. And the reasoning behind that is a simple one: no Seavor.

Conker was and is Chris’s game. As stated already, the only reason the game exists in the form that it’s in today is because of Chris’s vision and ideas and his means to bring them to life. It’s no secret that Chris is no longer with Rare, so if a new game were to ever be developed, it’s likely he wouldn’t be involved. So what’s the point? Why have a Conker game without the very man that breathed life into and reinvigorated a project that would have potentially been lost into obscurity otherwise?

The facts here are as simple and straight forward as can be: Conker’s Bad Fur Day is more than just a Rare game, it’s a Chris Seavor game. Chris is Conker. And thus a future Conker game without his involvement is a Conker game that I’d rather not have.

By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

7 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE: Why Rare Should Never Touch Conker Again”
  1. well wait … couldnt rare do a joint game with Seavors new studio? All it would need is MS funding and publishing…. or if Seavor really wanted too do what those guys did with Mechwarrior and Shadowrun… pay MS to get permission to make the game then do a kickstarter and make the darn thing…

  2. Wish seavor could work with rare to make conker 2, or rare could just sell/give/share the rights to seavor. If not then make banjo-threeie, so hungry for a 3D platformer, please Rare!(I mean M$, let rare be rare, or sell the IP’s)

    1. Well if you believe the interviews, MS let Rare be Rare until Kameo and PDZ got released…. in fact the only reason we got N&Bs is because MS forced Rare to make a banjo game…. (thats if i got my story straight)

      1. Yeah I think your right, I was really just trying to say that I want rare to use there great IP’s that we love! If you accept N&B’s for what is its really enjoyable but I’m still waiting on Banjo-Threeie! or a banjo-type 3D platformer/open world game!

  3. Chris Seavor isn’t with Rare but he IS still with Microsoft. So technically he never left. It could still happen.

    1. Alas, no. Chris is in no way affiliated with Microsoft. He runs his own company now, Gory Detail Limited.

  4. I wish Microsoft and Rare would just sell the damn Conker IP to Chris Seavor’s studio Gory Detail Limited.

    But that’s never gonna happen.

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