In lieu of Banjo-Kazooie’s 15th anniversary, there’s no better time than now to share your fondest and most memorable moments with the Banjo-Kazooie series. Here are a few of mine…

Grunty’s Furnace Fun- Just when you think Banjo-Kazooie couldn’t possibly get any better, a game show hosted by Gruntilda makes its debut. Grunty’s Furnace Fun was like a classic board game where getting from the beginning to the end was essential to winning, but had a twist with difficult mini-games and a test of wit. My siblings and I would play through the game again and again just so we could experience this single portion of the game. It was worth it every time.

Stop N Swop- Has there ever been any greater mystery in gaming? A few eggs and a key made of ice was the stepping stones to secrets that led many fans on an enduring and time consuming hunt for answers for years!What were in those eggs and what would the key unlock? I spent many years and countless hours myself scouring every inch of Kazooie and Tooie for anything that may have been even remotely related to Stop N Swop. At one point, I even gathered a group of individuals dedicated to solving the mystery and formed Team SFS (Searchers for Stop N Swop). It was an unforgettable experience.

Nuts & Bolts’ Vehicle Creator- Aside from the game’s hilarious humor, the best part of Nuts & Bolts was its deep vehicle customization. It wasn’t until I began a second playthrough of the game recently that I really, truly got to experience what I could do with the game. I had seen many players’ amazing creations in years past, but I sought to do something on my own and created what I simply call ‘Monster’. It’s a giant Gruntling inspired mech that fires lasers from its eyes and missiles from its fists. It’s fully mobile and also has the ability to fly and hover like today’s helicopters. It took hours for me to build it just the way I wanted it and I was (and am) fully satisfied with the final product. This gave me an all-new perspective on the game and I look forward to diving even deeper into this in the coming weeks/months.

That’s a few of my fondest memories with the Banjo-Kazooie franchise, so now I want to hear from you! In 15 years, I’m sure you have many memorable experiences of your own, so why not share at least one of them? Post yours in the comments below! I look forward to reading them!

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By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

3 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE: Your Fondest Banjo-Kazooie Memories”
  1. My fondest memories of the bear and bird have to be sitting alone in my living room at night playing this game, you could hear the music of Spiral Mountain blasting from upstairs and oh yes; I always enjoyed exploring the worlds, most specifically, my favorite world has to be Click Clock Wood, because of the different seasons. :)

  2. I played Banjo Kazooie and Tooie a lot when I was a child. Banjo Kazooie is my favourite game of all time!

  3. The week before Banjo Kazooie came out, I was on a long family camping trip and I had brought along the latest Nintendo Power which had B-K on the cover. I read the article over and over, staring at the screen shots in disbelief I would be playing a game that looked that good in just a short time. I drove my parents nuts talking about it.

    It lived up to the hype, and 15 years later it is still by far my favorite game. I even named my dog Jinjo!

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