Today, invites began to be sent out to the media for attending Microsoft’s E3 2013 Media Briefing. I’m happy to announce that I will once again be in attendance this year as I couldn’t be more excited. The Media Briefing will be held on Monday morning on June 10th at 10AM (PST) at the Galen Center in Los Angeles.

The most significant part of the Media Briefing is it following just a couple of weeks after the May 21st reveal of the next generation Xbox. Microsoft has stated that the full line-up of expected launch titles for the “Durango” will be unveiled at the Media Briefing. At least one of those games is likely to be from Rare, which will probably be a new intellectual property. What it is anyone’s guess.

What are you all hoping to see announced at the Media Briefing? Share your thoughts in the comments and discuss it in the forums!

By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

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