During Rare’s first ever hosted Twitch stream huge news regarding Jet Force Gemini was announced.
Jet Force Gemini will be updated to have dual analog controls though it will not be available at launch. The update will come later after as soon it has been tested and certified. This is amazing news for all the Jet Force Gemini fans who remember how difficult it was to control Jet Force Gemini on the Nintendo 64 with one analog stick and the C-buttons. It should feel as familiar as it can be to Gears Of War over the shoulder aiming.
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Again, there is no release date at the moment. Rare Replay will be available August 4th!
This is all a lie. There are no options to change controls at this time.
It clearly says this will NOT be avaliable at launch and no release date has been announced
They gave us the modern controls option… I played the game recently and the controls are much much more tolerable… But still lacking the modern controls we get nowadays. The right joy stick is inverted horizontally! What game does this in these days? On top of that Floyd’s controls are still inverted! I had to go into Xbox One accessories app and manually invert my joy sticks (up & down), switch joy stick from left to right and move the gas (a button) to a bumper so I could fly the little robot through it’s missions. Then switch it back when I was done flying. The same issue existed in co-op with Floyd aiming with the left joy stick. When I switched to another newer game, my mental layout of buttons and joy stick movements was all messed up b/c of Rare’s careless attitude with controls. Come on Rareware, I love your games, but I hate your controls! Please fix.