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In a conversation with Official Xbox Magazine (OXM), Microsoft Corporate Vice President Kudo Tsunoda claimed that Rare’s upcoming Sea of Thieves will be the best game that Rare has ever made…

“I think what you’re gonna see in Sea of Thieves as we go forward and start talking more about the game is how Rare is enabling that kind of player-generated emotional and memory-driven stories that can happen within a game to happen within Sea of Thieves. And I think that’s what Rare does well. That’s what we’re going to keep having them doing in the future. And Sea of Thieves is gonna be the best game that Rare has ever made.”

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Considering Rare’s incredibly large and diverse pedigree of hit games, it’s a pretty bold claim to say that Sea of Thieves will the best-of-the-best among them. But he isn’t exactly alone on the idea though, either. Even long term Rare veteran Gregg Mayles, who has been the lead designer on the DKC trilogy, Banjo-Kazooie, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, and yes, Sea of Thieves as well, has said that SoT is more fun than anything Rare has ever done. It’s a bit difficult to fathom, but perhaps it actually will be!

Sea of Thieves is currently planned for release in the Holiday season of 2016 exclusively for Xbox One and Windows 10. You can watch the announcement trailer here.

By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

One thought on “Kudo Tsunoda: Sea Of Thieves Will Be “The Best Game Rare Has Ever Made””
  1. Meh! I highly doubt it will be their greatest. It doesn’t even look unique, it just looks like another generic first person online game… I want more unique platfomers, not more of what we’ve been getting too much of…

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