Here’s a portion of a Rare interview with Kyle Soller, the actor who portrays Kinect Sports Rivals’ Max. For the full interview, Visit Rare’s website!

Rare: Can you give us some background on yourself and how you got into videogame acting?

Kyle Soller: I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and raised in Detroit, Michigan. I’ve been in the entertainment industry in one form or another since the age of 12 and have always had the full support of my family. I got into video game work a little over a year ago simply because my voice fit the look of the character.
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Rare: Was this your first experience of performance capture? If so, how was it? If not, are you worried that you’re starting to like the suit?

KS: I loved it! it was a lot of fun. I took too many pictures of me in the condom suit (can I say condom suit?) with the bobbly lights on it. As far as the performance capture aspect, it was a type of acting that I had to get used to very quickly but everyone made it so easy. It was really cool.

By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

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