The new Killer Instinct for Xbox One is being developed primarily by the developers over at Double Helix. They’re not entirely alone, however. In a recent interview, Phil Spencer told OXM that Microsoft has people from Rare looking at it, confirming that they are involved with the project, however briefly that may be. He also touched upon a few other things such as why Killer Instinct was selected for revival and how it will compete in the marketplace.

OXM: Why bring back Killer Instinct?

Phil Spencer: There were a couple of things. We wanted to pick a game that we had the passion to build. We had the internal team with Rare creative people – there were certain people that I wanted to make sure were close to this experience to make sure it’s tried and true. People ask me about Rare and I always go back to, like, Battletoads, but there aren’t many people from those games that are still around.

We had a core of people that still understood what Killer Instinct was about. We thought some of the features of Xbox One, like asynchronous matchmaking where while I’m actually fighting it’s setting up my next game, made a great mechanic for a fighting game. I won’t say the things on Twitter had no impact on it, I wanted to bring back something and Killer Instinct just seemed like the right thing.
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OXM: There are a lot of fighting games out there. Will this compete?

Phil Spencer: We are building this to be a great fighting game. This is not some hacked-off remake. We’re working with Mad Catz on control, we’ve got Rare people looking at it. We’ve got people focusing on how it’s going to play because we want to build a great fighting game built for a live ecosystem. This isn’t going to cash in on the name; it’s going to be a real frontline game that people fall in love with.

Be sure and visit OXM’s website for the entire interview!

By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

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