Today Rare gave us another look at one of the many games that was created during their annual Creative Jam. This game, Ultimate Death Match was created by Rare Engineer James and Artist Aidan.

James took inspiration from his early gaming memories of playing Ultimate Play the Game titles and wanted to create a fixed view game with a modern twist. He wanted to include as many Rare characters as possible and so the idea of Ultimate Death Match came about. A fight to the death to see who is the ultimate Rare character, with up to 8 players playing at once.

Six were chosen initially for their abilities. Jetman and Vela and their jetpacks, Joanna Dark for jumping and shooting, Conker and the Tediz throwing grenades and Rash with a tongue attack!

James worked on getting the characters to interact whilst Aidan defined the look of the game. A standard base character was created which was then customised for each character, creating a uniform style. Last step, constructing a basic map then creating 3 rounds each with their own challenges.

We all know every Rare fan has dreamedĀ about a game like this. Everyone has their favorite Rare created character and getting a chance to have all of them duke it out sounds like a blast. Great work James and Aidan!

Rare uploaded some images taken from the game you can check out below!
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You can check out Rare’s original Facebook post about Ultimate Death Match here:

By Amir Abdollahi

Writer For RareFanDaBase

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