Yes, you read that headline correct. If Killer Instinct being episodic and digital only wasn’t upsetting enough for you already, then this may be the icing on the cake. IGN has confirmed that the new Killer Instinct will be a day-one, download only title with only Jago being playable! To quote…

Killer Instinct is a day-one digital-only release on Xbox One, and features — get this — one character. Jago is free to play on launch day. Everyone else — unspecified returning characters as well as original fighters — will cost money. Price is to-be-determined (of course).

Wow…! I don’t know what else to say at this point. The decisions Microsoft is making with a game that everyone has been clamoring for for nearly two decades are absolutely astonishing! I mean… why?! If it was Rare developing the game, I believe it would all be forgivable–it really would. But it’s inferred that Double Helix Games is the sole developer behind it and that just makes every seemably bad decision made even worse. Don’t you all agree?

I’ll have more details this afternoon after getting some hands-on time with the game. It better damn well play good! That’s all I can say at this point… Stay tuned for more information.

By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

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