Rare has been around for a long, long time. Their inception was back in the early 1980s as Ultimate: Play the Game and since then they have went on to develop a plethora of titles for just about every genre there is in this industry. It’s no surprise, then, to know that they have quite a big following of fans across the globe. So how can some of the most hardcore Rare fans prove that they are truly loyal to the company? Here are eleven ways to prove that loyalty:

11. Write to Them
Every company and developer at some point likes to receive some praise from their fans. Afterall, it is us gamers that they’re developing their games for. So why not take a few moments out of your busy schedule and shoot them an e-mail or, perhaps, even get a bit physical and send a handwritten letter to their Twycross address? Details on how to do both below:

Email to: editor@RARE.CO.UK

Address: Manor Park, Watery Lane
Post Code: CV9 3QN
City/Town: Twycross, Atherstone (Warwickshire)

10. List Them As Your Favorites On Facebook
Just about everyone these days has a Facebook page. You probably do, I do, even Rare does! So in that little favorites section of Facebook, make sure you list Rare as one of them so when people are reading your profile, they see them as well. This could lead to curiousity, which leads to google, then a moderate interest followed by the purchase of a game and then a new fan is born! This is a big hypothetical, obviously, but this chain reaction is not out of the realms of possibility!

9. Tweet About Them (And To Them!)
Do you have a Twitter account? Did you know that Rare is also on Twitter? Monday-Friday, Rare livens up the Twitter feeds with their crafty and always hilarious tweets about company news, random thoughts, and will sometimes even tweet directly to their fans! Let’s spread the love about/to Rare through their official Twitter feed: @Rareltd

8. Write About Them On Your Personal Blog
It’s incredibly easy these days to have your own personal web blog or online journal to tell your friends, family, and even the entire world your deepest thoughts and about the things you love. So why not blog about Rare? Blog about your favorite Rare title, the wonder years of having Goldeneye tournaments at college or how your grandma owned you in Kinect Sports Bowling. There is no shortage of things to talk about! If you don’t have a personal blog to do this, here a few places to get you started…

WordPress, Weebly, Live Journal, MySpace.

7. Wear Rare (See What I Did There??)
Did you know there are places out there that will create custom items of clothing for you? If not, now you do. You could go to any of these places and have them create a custom t-shirt or maybe a hat emblazoned with Rare’s logo(s) and/or characters for you to show off to your pals. Browsing amazon and eBay is another solutions as well, but limited to only what you find, obviously.
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6. Collect Their Products
As an avid collector of all things Rare, I know there are plenty of Rare products out there to collect. A wide array of over one hundred games Rare has released in its history, t-shirts, burger king toys, posters, displays, and the list goes on. Many of these items can be found on both Amazon and eBay, but you may also come across other things at pawn shops, thrift shops, and swapmeets. Bear in mind, however, that this can certainly be an expensive endeavor, so be prepared to pluck down some cash on the best collectible items.

5. Front Face Their Games
If you’ve ever been to GameStop or a similar game retailer, then chances are you’ve been through the hassle of not being able to find the game you’re looking for. It’s probably there, but stuffed down in the corner where you have to get down on your hands and knees just find the little bugger. How many Rare titles could potentially be in that little corner? So next time you go to your game store, find those Rare games and craftily move them to a location where they can easily be viewed by other customers.

4. Decorate Your Home. Rare Style
Rare posters. Custom made Pinatas. Banjo-Kazooie plushes… There are many, many ways in which you could decorate your house or bedroom with Rare goodness. Seeimg Rare and feeling their presence in this aspect in your home is a pretty good feeling. Plus your friends and family may be quite impressed by your dedication and who knows, that surprise birthday party of yours may just be Rare themed as well!

3. Customize Your Electronics With Rare Themes
With this new era of iPhones and Androids, it’s exremely easy to be able to customize your smart phone the way you want it. So why not give it a Rare theme? You could have Rare wallpapers, text tones, ring tones and even your favorite Rare music ready to listen to anywhere, anytime with the press of a button. It could lead to a very interesting converstation when someome hears “C-C-C-Combo Breaker!” every time you receive a text message!

2. Play Their Games
As mentioned earlier, Rare has released a lot of games in their history and more-than-likely you are the proud owner of quite a bit of them. So keep on playing them because of just how awesome they truly are. Be it online with Perfect Dark Zero and Kinect Sports or locally for some old school Killer Instinct and Battletoads, there is always some great Rare titles to play together with your friends. If single-player is more your thing, then of course there are the likes of Banjo-Kazooie and Grabbed by the Ghoulies to satisfy you. So go on now, go play and then blog and tweet about it after!

1. Purchase Their Games (New!!) And Downloadable Content
This one is a no-brainer. As a truly, dedicated fan of Rare and their titles, the truly best way to show your loyalty is by purchasing their games and whatever DLC they have available. Perhaps you’re on that “Kinect Sports isn’t for me” bandwagon of naysayers, but not purchasing the games isn’t going to get us that Killer Instinct 3 or another Banjo game any time soon. So purchase their games anyway and make sure that the game is new in the process. Sure, a pre-owned/used game may save you few extra dollars. but did you know that Rare themselves receive nothing when you don’t purchase the game new? It’s as if you didn’t buy it all! Take the initiative and fork out a few extra bucks for that Rare game and know that you are contributing to the continued success of your favorite video game developer!

By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

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