The time is upon us everyone. Tomorrow morning Microsoft will be holding their E3 Press Conference and I will personally be in attendance to watch the unveilings of their new products and new details on older products. What exactly though can we expect to see? Here is how I believe the conference will go down based off (mostly) facts and a few predictions:

  • A demo of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. There is a CoD demo every year, so this year will be no exception.
  • A demo of Halo 4. Come on… it’s Halo.How can we not expect this?
  • A live performance from…someone. I haven’t the slightest idea who, but apparantly it’s happening. Who asked for this?
  • A new Resident Evil 6 Trailer.
  • First trailer for Dead Space 3.
  • Gears of War: Judgement officially unveiled with a lot of gameplay footage.
  • Alan Wake 2 will be announced with a trailer.
  • Kinect Sports 3: Summer Edition will be announced but won’t be a key focus. Sorry Rare… :(
  • More footage for Fable: The Journey.
  • We’ll get a collage of upcoming XBLA games. Jet Force Gemini or Killer Instinct will be a part of it (wishful thinking!!)
  • Matt Stone and Trey Park will take the stage to show off South Park: The Game. Maybe this is the performance??
  • A trailer for the new Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Downloadable Content will be shown.
  • Microsoft will officially announce ‘Smart Glass’ and apps that will coincide with it.
  • Kinect Fitness will be unveiled.
  • Kinect enabled Internet Explorer comes to the Xbox 360 later this year.
  • First footage of Capcom’s Lost Planet 3 will be shown.
  • Expect to see footage of Agent 47, the Hitman game from Square-Enix.
  • Potentially a small price drop on the Xbox 360 to take effect later this year.

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And there you have it. That’s the conference all wrapped up and ready to be open. Check back here sometime tomorrow and we’ll see just how close I was really was!

By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

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