Heartbreaking news surfaced yesterday when the world learned of the passing of Nintendo’s CEO Satoru Iwata. He was an icon that did so much for the gaming industry in revolutionizing Nintendo in many ways and earning his place in the early days of his career as one of the greatest programmers the industry has ever seen. His sudden passing was a shock to everyone, as most thought he was on the path to recovery after undergoing surgery last year to remove a tumor that had grown in his bile duct. The world grieves at his death today and many fans and companies around the globe have been paying tribute to him, including Rare with this currently in their hallway at their studio:

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Rest in peace, Iwata-san, and thank you for playing a part in creating so many memories from the early days of my childhood playing games on the NES to my current adulthood days of enjoying games on the Wii U. I look forward to experiencing your final legacy when the NX releases in the future. Thank you again for all of you’ve done…

By Daniel Durock

Actor. Writer. Gamer

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